Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Monday, October 20, 1997
Message from Our Lord to Edson Glauber

Dada: in Manaus to: Edson Glauber
During the prayer, Jesus appeared sitting majestically on a very beautiful throne, having an angel on each side, who were kneeling.
While we were praying the rosary, Jesus was collecting our prayers like roses and transforming them, with his hands, very bright and golden, like gold. He communicated the following to me:
"Listen My children: be My living word in the world. Speak to everyone about the importance and value of praying My Mother's Rosary, because each Hail Mary prayed, is like golden roses, transformed into graces that I pour from My Heart over all of you.
Meditate, meditate, meditate on how great is My love for you. Behold Me in your hearts. I am united with you through prayer.
You are so fragile, so petty, so full of defects, but you are temples of the Holy Spirit and He dwells in you.
But you are temples of the Holy Spirit and He dwells in you, and therein lies your value. Our Lady conveyed the following message:
"Dear children, understand that Your Creator is united with you in a very special way.
Think about your hearts. What can I offer My Lord? And surely He will answer: your love and your service to your neediest brothers and sisters! Look at Jesus. He is the Light that illuminates your paths. He is the eternal Light that illuminates them in the densest darkness."