Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Friday, May 1, 1998
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga, AM, Brazil

On this day, at night, many people gathered in front of my house, in Itapiranga, to pray the rosary. Many came from Manaus and many localities in Amazonas. Our Lady appeared unexpectedly to bless the people and to give her message to her children:
Peace be with you!
Dear children, I welcome each one of you in my arms and present you to my Son Jesus. There are many people, there are many of my children who need to open their hearts, they need to believe more and have more faith. Always pray the holy rosary and you will receive many graces from me and my Son Jesus. I bless the family of each one here present and I welcome in my Heart all that you offer me in your daily life. Surrender your weaknesses to my Son Jesus, because he is your strength and only he can help you. When you trust in God it makes you very happy, but those who distrust God's protection and love sadden his Heart....
Our Lady remained for a moment in silence looking at each of her children and then went on to say,
Be very patient, because patience leads each of you to heaven. Be patient and don't complain about your daily crosses, but thank God for everything, saying: thank you God, help me to overcome them more and more.
Again the Virgin gave another pause and then continued:
My Son Jesus carried a heavy cross and died on it to save you from sin. And you my children, also carry your cross with patience, because in this way you will be true apostles of my Son Jesus. I bless you all: in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. See you soon!