Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Wednesday, March 10, 1999
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber

Today, the Holy Family appeared. Our Lady was in a blue robe, white dress and a white veil, and St. Joseph was in a brown robe and a wine-colored tunic. Our Lady had the Child Jesus in her arms, and the two were closely united to St. Joseph.
Dear children, may the peace of Jesus remain in your families!
Today I wish to invite you to renew your purpose of conversion and living my holy messages.
My children, do not miss the opportunity that God is giving you for your conversion, but try to open your hearts and understand the signs of the times. See how difficult the situation of the world is today. Many places are already suffering the consequences of sin. Pray that God will have mercy on the world. Divine mercy needs to be poured out on the world. Men are deaf and blind because of sin, but if you pray many souls will be converted and find salvation.
Do not listen to Satan. Be united, be loving, and live forgiveness, for if you do so, you will receive God's forgiveness for your countless sins. I love you and bless you: in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen!
On this day, St. Joseph also gave me a message:
My children, I bless you and keep you in my Most Chaste Heart. Pray, pray, pray and you will receive from God the grace of his mercy and forgiveness for your sins. During these days I will give you private messages. Always be in prayer, because I will come to grant you my graces and my blessing, as well as to pray together with you for the salvation of the world. I bless you all: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!
Before leaving, Our Lady also said to me:
During this Holy Week my Son Jesus will show you the sufferings of His Passion. Write down everything you see!