Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Saturday, March 13, 1999
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber

My son, continue praying for the conversion of sinners. Tell your brothers to ask forgiveness for their sins and to sincerely repent of them, because God Our Lord continues to be offended with terrible sins. This is the time for you to still ask for God's mercy for the world.
Thank God for the grace you have received (the grace of his presence). Remember: it is you who will decide the path to your happiness or your sadness. Decide for the path of good and you will be happy.
I asked Our Lady if she had anything to say to the young people in the group formed and she answered me:
If you persevere, with these groups I will destroy Satan. I bless you: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!
In the evening, St. Joseph came with the baby Jesus. We are these days making a novena in his honor, in preparation for his feast on March 19. St. Joseph looking at me said:
Don't waste your time in front of the television set. Ask for forgiveness and sincerely repent of your sins. Punishment is about to come upon the world. Men do not imagine what will come upon the earth!...
I saw during the apparition again a great earthquake happening and several desperate people screaming and crying. Right after this vision St. Joseph said:
Soon after this will come the end of the ends!