Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Friday, April 2, 1999
Message from Our Lord to Edson Glauber

My son, always trust in my Sacred Heart. I long for these moments with you, because they will be useful for the salvation of many souls.
Today, I want to reveal to you my bitterness and pain when I was condemned to death and carried my heavy cross towards Calvary, to be crucified.
O my son, how much coldness surrounded me. The insults and mockery hurt my Heart. I did not feel love in men's hearts, but only hatred: the hatred that longed for my death. See how much I suffered on this ascent to Calvary. No one had a drop of love that could share it with me.
The wounds on my body caused by the scourging and the crowning with thorns increased my pain even more. I suffered barbarities during the flogging. My flesh was torn apart by the lashes of my executioners. The violence with which they scourged me did not make me suffer as much as the hatred they felt in their hearts when they committed this terrible sin against me. Do you understand? The hatred and coldness in their hearts were much more painful to me than actually the lashes they gave me. Not that they didn't make me suffer, because they really were torturing and made me lose my breath, but I want to tell you that the lack of love in men's hearts makes me suffer even more, because of their ingratitude and indifference to my Divine Love that I wish to bestow on them.
My son, pray for sinners. They offend Me very much. You have seen today how much I desire that you pray for the young people. They need your help so much. Help them by telling them of my love for them and by bringing them my light. I want you to be a light in the world, bringing my love to men and women, and especially to all young people.
What I suffered in my Passion was mainly for them, as I have already told you. I allowed myself to be crucified between two thieves, so as to give them the grace of salvation that was completed with my death on the cross.
I am Love and Mercy. I want all men to approach my Heart without any fear. My Heart is a burning furnace of living love.
My child, do not forget that in my Heart there is a place for you. Remember that I told you that if you are faithful to everything I ask of you on earth, one day you will come to my kingdom that I have prepared for you!
This kingdom is also for all your brothers and sisters and your parents, and for those who listen and heed my voice, my call. Pray for... She is under great attack by Satan. Patience with her. You must be understanding and merciful like Me. See that I desire everyone's salvation and not perdition, so do everything possible for everyone to find the light, bringing them closer to my love, to my Sacred Heart. I want the salvation of all people. The world needs my mercy, but does not seek it, because of its sins that blinds it.
I am the King of Love, and I want to reign in the whole world and in all hearts. You do not know how helpful you are being, my child. These words that I speak to you will be very important in the days of tomorrow. I bless you all.
What I had to convey to you this evening I have already said. Now be at peace and united to my Sacred Heart, as well as united to the Sorrowful Heart of my Mother Mary and my Virgin Father Joseph. Speak to my beloved son...that I am listening to your prayers addressed to me, and that you do not stop praying for your brother priests, for they are in need of many prayers.
I, Jesus Christ, Son of the Eternal Father and of the Blessed Virgin Mary, bless you all: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!
(¹) Here Jesus addresses all the people of the whole world.