Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Thursday, July 6, 2000
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber in Brescia, BS, Italy

In this apparition I asked the Virgin a question regarding a friend who had died:
Our Lady, where is he ? Are you with the Lady and Jesus in heaven ?
The Virgin replied, "Yes!
Then the Virgin said the message she wished to convey to me:
Your prayers are necessary to me in the salvation of many souls. Continue to pray the rosary. Know that with the rosary so many evils are overcome and many souls are saved. Men offend the Lord a lot, my little children. How much evil and cruelty is committed in the world.
A brother who destroys the life of another brother. A father and mother who kill their own child. Children who kill their own parents, and such sad things. How it hurts my Heart to tell you these things!
There is a lack of love, a lack of prayer, a lack of God in the lives of many of my children, but if you pray and live my calls from now on, many will find the road that leads to salvation and be converted.
This message is to be read tomorrow in Vígolo to all who arrive there. Tomorrow I will come with St. Michael, St. Gabriel and St. Raphael to bless all those who will meet there. Cheer up, cheer up, cheer up, my children.
The world is about to be renewed and a new dawn will arise for all Christians. I intercede every day before the throne of my son Jesus for you, for your salvation. Open your hearts to me. Why do I always ask you this?...because many still have not opened their hearts to me by not listening and not living my calls.
My little children, I am your Mother, your Heavenly Mother. I have come to help you. Listen to me. If you listen to my calls, God will grant you so many graces, because this is His will. Pray, pray, pray. Now I bless you and all of humanity. I place you all within my Heart: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!