Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Monday, September 15, 2003
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber in Brescia, BS, Italy

Our Lady
Peace be with you!
I am the Mother of God our Lord and your heavenly Mother. I come this evening to give you another heavenly message: continue to pray the rosary every day and thus the graces of heaven will descend upon you powerfully.
In these last times, little children, I desire that you listen to my calls and live them deeply. How many messages I have already given you, not only here, but in various parts of the world. I wish to lead you on the safe path that leads to God. I know the problems and difficulties that each of you go through, but I tell you that my Son Jesus allows me to be at your side to help and comfort you. Do you love my Son Jesus? Do you love your Heavenly Mother? Then, pray, make sacrifices for the salvation of the world, for many of your brothers and sisters are getting lost in sin, but I come to bring light to all my children. My Son Jesus is the light of your lives, my little children, He is Peace, He is Life, He is the solution to your problems. He is the Wonderful Counselor of your souls, the Prince of Peace. My Son, Jesus, wants the salvation of the world; that is why he sends the one he loves so much, me, his Mother, to help all men who walk in darkness.
Remember these words of mine, little children: happy are those who hear my calls and put them into practice, because they will see my Son Jesus when he returns to the world as a King of Mercy and Love, and not as a King of Justice. This day is approaching for the world. Look and understand that nature has already changed its natural laws and the world is already beginning to give the signs that the coming of the Lord is very near. So prepare yourselves, be converted, and change your lives, and then you will see the glory of Paradise and the light of God that will illuminate the world deeply, without being caught by surprise. Those who do not listen to me, how sad, but those who are faithful to my calls will have happiness forever. I intercede before God for you and your families, for your happiness. To all my motherly blessing: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!