Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil


Monday, October 6, 2003

Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber in Sciacca, GA, Italy


Our Lady

Peace be with you!

Dear children, I wish this evening to invite you once again to conversion and peace. Be at peace and transmit God's peace to everyone. Why do you still not trust in my motherly protection and have fearful worries in your heart? Fear nothing, for I your Mother will protect you from every evil and danger. Trust in my Son Jesus. Jesus is the One who can do everything, because He is the Omnipotent and He wants all of you to come close to His Merciful Heart so that your lives will be filled with divine grace. Pray and in prayer offer up your worries and your fears and God will deliver you by granting you his peace. Continue to intercede for the salvation of the world and so God will pour out his blessing on all his children who are far from his presence and divine love.

I bless you all: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!

"E' meglio vivere da povero sotto un tetto di tavole, che godere di cibi suntuosi in case altrui" Siracide 29,22

"Triste vita andare di casa in casa, non potrai aprir bocca, dove sarai come straniero" Siracide 29,24


