Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Monday, March 22, 2004
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber in Lovere, Italy

On this day, Jesus gave me a message in the afternoon, when we were in the chapel:
My peace be with you!
My son, today I wish to tell you that I bless all who are here. I welcome your prayers and the love of your hearts. I welcome all that they offer to me and help them to be new people who can worship me in spirit and truth. What does it mean to know how to offer yourself to God? It is to surrender all that you have inside your hearts: be it your good or bad inclinations, so that they can be transformed by the flames of love of my Sacred Heart.
When you know how to trust my Heart and offer all that you have, my mercy surrounds you. I did not say that the greatest sinners should not fear their sins no matter how great they are, but that they should trust and surrender to my mercy. It is one thing to know how to ask forgiveness for your sins and sincerely repent of them, but it is another thing to know how to offer even your evil inclinations, weaknesses, imperfections so that they can be transformed and renewed by my grace, thus making you free people and men renewed in your whole being.
Never think that your defects and weaknesses offered to me are greater than my love and my grace. Remember that your greatest sins disappear before my mercy when you have recourse to me. And even that sinner who doesn't turn to me how much I love him and what pain I feel when he out of shame for his sins committed turns away from me thinking that I despise him and don't forgive him. It is the devil that makes him think this, because I, as my Mother has already told you, am more willing to forgive you than you are to come to me to ask my forgiveness. I love you all, everyone.
If you learn in your daily lives to see me as the physician of your souls, and if you know how to give and offer yourselves to me, with everything you have, you will quickly become holy people. Remember that you all have the concupiscence to sin. This concupiscence often makes you fall into temptations and offend me. Know how to offer yourselves to me so that you can be healed of all these imperfections of your souls, because you are still fragile. Ask for the light of the Holy Spirit and he will come to your aid. I bless you: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!