Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Tuesday, March 23, 2004
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber in Brescia, BS, Italy

I was in my room and had finished saying my prayers when Jesus gave me a message:
I am the light of the world. I am eternal life. I am peace for your souls. My son, I wish to tell you my message of love, so that the souls of all those who were once in darkness and without light will shine ever brighter in my grace.
How much good I wish for the men for whom I have shed my blood to save them. How many are cold in love and have their hearts hardened. I want to tell all men that I, the Savior of the world, have come to call them to take refuge in this merciful Heart of mine that loves them so much. I want everyone to become holy, following the path indicated by my Holy Mother: the path of conversion, prayer and penance.
Son, to be holy it is necessary that the soul be always united to me. It is I who sanctify. According to the intensity of your love, each one will receive the graces that will help you live in my divine presence and in my ways. The soul that knows how to renounce itself is the one that will reach a high perfection. Whoever lives for himself will already have his reward in this world, but whoever lives for me and for others, knowing how to give himself and truly give himself for the kingdom of God, will have eternal reward and will live for all eternity in the glory of my kingdom.
I want saints for my kingdom of love. The earth will still be a great paradise. First will come sorrows, but then will come the great transformation, when everything will be renewed and all things will be made new. Humanity will be invigorated in love and peace. Thus my kingdom on earth will be as it is in heaven. I, Jesus, bless all my little ones of good will who know how to wait with faith and trust for my triumphant return that is coming: in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen!