Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Sunday, April 11, 2004
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber in Brescia, BS, Italy

Peace be with you!
Dear children of my Immaculate Heart rejoice, rejoice, rejoice because my Son Jesus, living and risen, is here among you. Give glory to God for this great grace of his divine presence in your lives. Jesus through his resurrection gives each of you the grace to overcome every evil in the world and to obtain eternal life, the glory of Paradise. Through the resurrection of my Son Jesus, God grants the grace of the gates of heaven to be opened for each one of you. Thank the Eternal Father that the whole world has been transformed. Death has been destroyed and defeated. The devil that did so much damage has lost his power to enslave you with sin. Only he who does not want to listen to God's voice does not obtain eternal life.
Little children, believe in the power of the resurrection of my Son Jesus. He is life for each one of you. Jesus is the light and splendor of all Heaven. He is just and faithful, the Prince of peace. Only in him will you find peace and mercy. O humanity, give glory to God, praise his Holy Name. Learn to recognize the great dignity to which God has raised you and granted you, freeing you from the slavery of sin and death. Children, I bless you and today I give you the peace of my Son Jesus. He loves you very much and asks you for faith and love.
Do not lose heart. Do not despair. Jesus will always be ahead of you, lighting your way. He wants all of you to be able to join him always, so that you too can shine before all those who are in darkness, so that they too can rise to new life. Today all of heaven is celebrating. Let all the peoples of the earth rejoice in their hearts and praise the Lord, and let all the nations recognize the power and majesty of God, for he is the Lord. I bless you: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!