Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Saturday, July 30, 2005
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber

Humanity is terribly sick with the leprosy of sin. Many of my dear children are blinded by the devil. Pray, my son, pray and tell all your brothers and sisters that it is the Mother of God who asks for prayers for the conversion of the world. Many of my children are deaf to my appeals. How many swords of pain are pierced into my Immaculate Heart, because these same sons, whom I plead for mercy before God, outrage me without ceasing, despising the virtues that adorn my soul with mockery and filthy words.
Son, God wants reparations. Tell my children to make reparations to the Lord, for these sins and offenses directed against me, the Mother of the Lord, cry out for God's justice. God loves everyone and desires that all be saved. These are the times when men want to make this Mother of theirs disappear by denying all the graces that God has bestowed on me. I ask each one present here: pray, fast, sacrifice more. It is still time to avoid the worst. Change your lives and open your hearts once and for all to God.