Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Thursday, October 27, 2005
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber

Peace be with you!
Dear Son, I, your Mother, together with my Son Jesus and Saint Joseph, bless you with all my love.
I wish you, this night, all the graces and blessings of God. Be a witness of God's love to your brothers and sisters. Thank you for your yes in this work of God. Your mission is very beautiful, but it is also a mission of cross and sufferings, because to be pleasing to God you must know how to renounce yourself, for the Salvation and conversion of all your brothers.
Today, God gives you a special blessing. Thank you for all that you do for me, for my Son and for Saint Joseph. God will reward you one day. You are inside our Hearts. They are for you a great sign of God's protection and love.
Tell your brothers to love the Lord deeply, because he is not loved by men as he should be. How many offenses are directed to God by ungrateful men. God can no longer bear so many offenses.
I have come from heaven to call all sinful humanity to repentance. Great calamities are about to befall the world very soon. Tell your brothers to pray a lot.
What do you have to say about what happened yesterday, about the tornado that formed here in Manaus?
You yourself have already felt the answer in your heart. It is another sign sent by God to the people of Amazonas. If my children do not repent of their sins there will come great suffering and great destruction with the others who will be formed.
When you see the weather turning and darkening be very attentive and light the holy candle in your homes. Pray for the Lord's mercy. Pray the rosary of mercy, because it appeases the justice of God.
Do not leave your conversion for later, but now, before the most serious thing happens. God is about to punish Amazonas in a more serious way. The days will get harder and harder for you, my children. I am sad for what is coming, if men do not change their lives.
I beg you: listen to my calls. Live the calls that my Lord is sending you through me. Conjure the Heart of my Son Jesus, that his justice may be appeased. I am interceding for you, for your families, before God. Do not fear. I am united with you as you pray, and you receive great graces from my Heart.
Now, I bless you, my son, united to my Son Jesus and St. Joseph, and I also bless all of you who are here: in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen!