Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil


Friday, April 28, 2006

Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber


My peace be with you!

I am the light of the world and peace for your weary and helpless souls. Come to me and you will find my grace and my love. I wish to tell you that each one of you is important to me. Pray for the eternal salvation of your brothers. Many are in sin and are in danger of being lost forever in the fires of hell.

My little ones, welcome the messages that I and my Mother have already given you. Do not want to be those who are without light and without life, because you are not obedient and do not live my word. Be those who give a testimony of a more holy life. Those who are disobedient and do not live my commandments do not deserve the kingdom of heaven, my kingdom. Those who are not obedient to my words will not enter the glory of heaven. And I also tell you: those who do not listen to my Mother's calls and disown them, leaving them aside, will not enter heaven, because when I come for mine at the signal of the trumpet, they will remain on earth to be punished for their crimes, with the great calamities that will fall on it. I will protect and save mine, those who have prepared themselves and who have been obedient to the calls of my Mother. Many will be taken out before the most severe, because they have been faithful to me and to my Mother. I will have mercy on them. But those who have been and continue to be disobedient will cry, scream, and roar with terror and pain, but they will not obtain mercy because they have not been faithful. Convert yourselves right now. Do not let the grace of conversion pass you by, because the day of justice will be terrible. I bless you: in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen!


