Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil


Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber


Peace be with you!

Dear children, my Son Jesus and I wish you this night to honor and love the Most Chaste Heart of my virginal spouse Joseph. This Heart will unite you more and more to our Most Holy Hearts. Ask St. Joseph for the grace of faith, fidelity and obedience, so that you can live the messages of my Divine Son Jesus and mine with love.

I want to tell you this night to pray for your brothers and sisters who have strayed from God's ways. Know that Satan sings victory over these souls considering them his. Pray for your brothers who are blinded by him, that they may see in time the danger they are in for straying from God.

Ask for graces from the Heart of St. Joseph for many sinners, so that they may be converted, and God will grant them these graces. I bless you: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!

Saint Joseph

Peace be with you and your families!

Little children, today I bless you with a special blessing. I thank you for your prayers and for being here in this place blessed by our holy presence. My Divine Son allows me to be your intercessor in your greatest difficulties. Do not let yourselves be discouraged before the trials that arise in your lives, but with confidence surrender yourselves with love to our Most Holy Hearts.

I am always interceding before the Most High great graces for all the devotees of my Most Chaste Heart and for all those who make me better known and loved. In a particular way I am asking my Son Jesus tonight for great graces for the conversion of you and your families. Pray, pray, pray. God has great projects to accomplish here in Amazonas. Amazonas is marked for a great event. For those who are faithful and remain united to God, they will receive great happiness in their hearts, for having listened to the messages from my spouse, the Blessed Virgin. Pray for the realization of God's plans here in the Amazon. God today gives you His love. I bless you all: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!


