Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Saturday, July 15, 2006
Message from Saint Raphael the Archangel to Edson Glauber

The peace of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph to all who are here!
Son of the Lord, Jesus and Mary send me here to tell you this message: they thank you for the prayers and penances you have offered this morning, for having answered their prayers. I have accompanied them by uniting myself to their prayers. They also ask me to tell you that times are bad and great calamities will come to the world, because men continue to commit filthy sins, not stopping to ask for forgiveness and repent. The devil is working hard to snatch many faithful away from God and the true faith, as well as many consecrated people. You find yourselves in times of a great spiritual battle. Well, this is what the Lord says: Just as they have not heard the voice of my call to sincere repentance and have not returned to me with a contrite and humble heart, I will punish them severely so that they will learn that they cannot live without me for one minute. Great sickness and pestilence will come. I will strike their homes and hurt their children. Those who are faithful to my precepts and to the calls of my messenger will be spared, but there will be great pain like never before, because men are hard-hearted and clever as an animal without reason. Pray, pray, pray all men, for God is merciful to those who seek him with humbled hearts and repent of their errors.
I, Saint Raphael, want to help you with my intercession, intervening so that these evils are removed. Believe, pray, be light for all those who are in darkness. I bless you all: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!