Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Monday, November 27, 2006
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber

Peace be with you!
Dear children, I am Full of Grace, your Heavenly Mother, who comes to invite you to conversion and prayer. This is the favorable time for your conversion, dear children. Pray until prayer becomes a great joy in your lives and peace floods your being deeply.
Many of your brothers are living in sin, and this upsets me greatly, because I want to help them all, but my children do not want to, because they remain disobedient to my appeals. Pray with your heart, dear children, once again I beg you, pray with your heart. To pray with the heart is to be open to God with your life and with your soul clean from all sin, detached from the things that are exaggerated with the world. I wish to tell you that many have their hearts hardened because they do not love. Sin is the reason for so much evil in the world. Hatred is the fruit of living without God. When you do not love God, hatred takes over your hearts and destroys all the goodness within you. With prayer, with fasting, with the sacraments you can destroy all evil and attract God's graces upon yourselves and upon the world.
The Virgin began to pour many graces from her hands on everyone present and on many people all over the world. On the good and on the bad. I saw in this gesture of hers the great desire to bless everyone and to lead all her children to God for salvation.
See my son, I pour out my graces on everyone, because I exclude no one. I love them unconditionally, without distinction. I only desire that they be with their souls cleansed of every stain of sin, so that my Son can reign in their hearts. Prepare yourselves: the world will be renewed very soon. Everything will be transformed, my children. Whoever listens and lives my calls will receive a great reward and will be protected from all the calamities that will befall the world. Soon, my Son will restore the whole world with his power, and on that day he will not catch you off guard. Do not be afraid, in the end, my Immaculate Heart will triumph. I bless you all: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!