Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Friday, January 26, 2007
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber in Trieste, Italy

Peace be with you!
My dear children, I am the Mother of Jesus and full of Grace, the Mother of you all.
How happy I am for your presence here tonight. Come always to pray here in this place, it is a little oasis of peace, where your Heavenly Mother works in your hearts, making them free, detached, and open to my Son Jesus. Those who let themselves be formed by me, allowing me to lead them by the hands, will receive great graces of conversion, and the Holy Spirit will illuminate them with his light and transform them into great apostles of love and peace, who will witness my calls to all those who are in darkness.
Little children, I am preparing you for times to come. When my Son Jesus returns to the world, renewing it, all those whom I have prepared and guided through my apparitions will inhabit this world, which will be a world of peace and love, the kingdom of God realized on earth.
Pray, pray, pray that all of you may participate in this glory that God has reserved in heaven. I love you and I don't want anyone to be condemned to hell, but for everyone to conquer their place in the glory and the kingdom of the Lord. Always pray for your city and for Italy. Italy will suffer greatly because it is disobedient to God and his representative, the Pope. Where are the faithful servants and obedient children to God and his Church. Make sacrifices and penance for all your brothers, dear children, because today many offend the Lord with sins of adultery, abortion, and bring upon themselves and their country the punishment of heaven. Europe will go through great changes and there will be great hurricanes that will devastate entire cities. I am still preventing this evil, but the prayers and sacrifices are few and the sins are many.
Help me, little children, help your Heavenly Mother by interceding for the world and for all your brothers and sisters. I count on your prayers and I know that you are obedient in listening to my calls: so act!
I bless you all: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!