Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber in Saiano, BS, Italy

Peace be with you!
Dear children, today I come from Heaven to wrap you and your families in my Immaculate and protective mantle. With this mantle I have often covered my Son Jesus to protect him against the sun, the rain, and the wind, and today this mantle will protect you against all evils and dangers.
Take refuge under this Immaculate Mantle of mine. I, your Mother, love you so much and come to bring the peace of the Lord to all of you and to the world. Be heralds of God's peace in the world. My Son Jesus is peace for your souls and your hearts. I wish that my Son could dwell in every heart. Be God's in your heart, in your mind, in your body, with your whole being, so that His divine grace may always remain in you and may transform you into men and women renewed in His Holy Spirit.
I ask you again, during the day, sing and pray much to the Holy Spirit so that in this time of Advent He can prepare you worthily for the Christmas of my Son Jesus. I His Mother love you and bless you: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!
This evening, when we were praying the seven creeds waiting for the Virgin, already by the fifth, when we said: was born of the Virgin Mary , when the Virgin arrived a person who was present the apparition began to scream strongly and make groans as if it were a dog. The presence of the Virgin bothered her. Many did not expect this and were a little afraid. During the apparition the Virgin made me see some demons that were beside this person, a woman, and these with their heads down, screamed and moaned like animals, not daring to look at the Mother of God. Our Lady asked me to lift the cross of my rosary and to pray the prayers that she indicated to me, which were passages from the Bible, and other prayers that she prayed with me for the person who was agitated and screaming, as well as for the others who were there. She asked me to make the sign of the cross and not to be afraid, because the devil only wanted to disturb and take away people's peace, but nothing bad would happen to those who were present at her apparition. The Blessed Mother also told me that God allowed this to show the unbelievers that the devil exists and that he tries at all costs to lead us down the path to hell and that everyone should pray, fast, do penance to be protected from all evils and dangers.
When I was returning from Milan with my friends Giorgio and Mariangela, on the highway, in front of our car, two vehicles collided at such a speed that by a thread they did not hit us and no serious accident happened to us. We thanked God for his protection and I particularly thanked St. Joseph for his protection. I knew that it was one more attempt of the devil to want to eliminate and destroy me, but he didn't succeed because the Lord God, the Virgin and Saint Joseph are always with me and with all those who invoke their protection and blessing. This I have understood with all these events and attacks that God has allowed the devil to carry out. The victory is always God's and those who trust in him.