Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Saturday, December 8, 2007
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber in Brescia, BS, Italy

Today during the hour of grace that we began at noon with the recitation of the rosary Our Lady appeared. She was dressed in white, white robe. The Virgin very beautiful and spreading a very beautiful and strong light gave me the following message:
I am the Immaculate Conception. I am the Full of grace. I am the Mother of Hope, Mother of the Divine Word, who became incarnate in my Virginal womb. I wish to bring you my message of peace and hope. Today the world looks to me and honors me in my great privilege granted by my thrice Holy Lord: I am Immaculate because my Son, the pure and perfect Lamb of God, chose me to be his Most Holy Mother and in my virginal womb he became incarnate. I am Immaculate because I am the glory of all those who will faithfully follow the path of my Son, being a refuge of protection against all the evils and dangers of the soul, of all those who surrender to my maternal protection. I am Immaculate because I am the sign, the most pure and heavenly light, that precedes the coming of the one who is the Savior of their lives and Light for their souls, and I am the sign of defeat and confusion of the evil and infernal serpent.
In my Immaculate Conception my little children, God has prepared the graces and the efficacious means to overcome all temptations and snares of the enemy, so that the merits of the passion, death and resurrection of my Son may be welcomed and lived deeply in your lives as a salutary grace of life and salvation for your souls.
Why just this hour is the hour of grace?
Because it was in this hour that the hands and feet of my Son were pierced by painful and thick nails, and the hour that my pure and Immaculate soul, was pierced by a terrible sword of pain, for seeing my beloved and dear Son Jesus nailed to the tree of the cross. What a terrible moment that was, the pure, perfect and spotless Lamb being offered to the Eternal Father in atonement for the sins of mankind, so that men could obtain divine forgiveness and mercy, and me, His Immaculate Mother, having my heart and soul pierced by swords of pain. What my Son suffered in his body I suffered in my soul and in my Heart. He, the Word who became flesh, and I, the Immaculate One, the pure grace of God, through whom His gifts and blessings reach men. Two victims offering themselves to the Eternal Father out of love: Jesus, the victim immolated par excellence to placate with his blood the iniquities of men and I, in virtue and grace of his merits and of the exalted prerogatives granted to my soul, as his Mother and Mother of humanity, unite myself also at that moment to him offering my maternal tears and the pains that invaded my whole being asking in favor of the souls that were being redeemed in such a costly way with his precious blood, begging the forgiveness of the Eternal Father as coredentrix.
Behold why this is the hour of grace. Behold why in this hour cold, hard and lifeless hearts are converted and opened to the Lord, for it was the hour that the King of kings and Lord of lords, the spotless Lamb gave Himself to the great painful martyrdom of the Cross and His Immaculate Mother to the great painful martyrdom of the soul.
Make good use of this hour of grace, because I, the pure Grace of God, am here to bless you and to present all your requests before His divine throne, and I assure you that the graces you receive are special graces, graces that come deeply from the Heart of Jesus for all the rebellious, ungrateful and distant children, because His divine words resound strongly in the world at this moment: Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do! And the Heavenly Father at this moment gives men and women one more chance, and grants them his love and forgiveness.
Pray, pray, pray, and the world will be converted. I love you and bless you: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!
During all the days of my life I have always been united to God and God with me. When my Son Jesus became incarnate and came into the world from that moment on, my Immaculate Heart beat united to His in a single act of love, just like the Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph. You also be like that with Jesus. Ask for this grace through my intercession and through the intercession of St. Joseph: that your hearts may also beat united in one single act of love with the Sacred Heart of my Son, and be certain that the beats of my Heart and the Heart of my Spouse Joseph will also be united.