Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber

Peace be with you!
Dear children, here is your Heavenly Mother, present among you with all her presence to bless you, to help you and to welcome you into her Heart. Pray little children, pray with confidence and God will listen to your requests. I know how many tribulations you go through in your lives, but take courage, my Son is with you and I am with you. And if we are with you, why be afraid? Do not fear, but walk in this world as witnesses of peace and love. Take my messages into your hearts and your lives will be transformed. Pray, pray, pray. Take my Mother's love and the love of my Son to your brothers and sisters.
See little children ...(Our Lady took out her Immaculate Heart and showed me ) my Heart. It belongs to you. My Heart burns with love for you. I place you within it so that you may be inflamed by the love of God of which it is full. My Heart loves God very much. Be always here within my Heart so that you may learn to love. I love you and desire to fill you with God's love. I bless you all: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!