Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber

Our Lady again came this evening to give us her message of conversion. She invited me to pray with her for the conversion of the bad-politicians and for God to bring down the powerful from their thrones who do nothing for their people:those who only exploit, who steal, who are not interested in helping those who need it most and who are hungry. Those in power who persecute the Holy Church and lead others into error. For these people
Our Lady prayed to God today asking him to intervene by dismissing them empty-handed and lifting up the lowly, the voiceless and voiceless, those who suffer because of the oppression of the great and the injustices they commit. She prayed 3 Our Father and 3 Glory Beads today, and asked us to pray 50 magnificats the prayer she said, which is found in Luke 1:46-55. We are to pray it every day for a week. I also heard this little prayer that many voices of angels said repeatedly, "Lord, put down the mighty from their thrones and lift up the lowly!" The angels repeated this prayer over and over again. Our Lady said the following message:
Peace be with you!Dear children, once again I ask you: live my calls! Live my calls with your heart and with your whole being. Do not say that you live them if you do not live them, because God will charge you for every word that was not truly spoken. Whoever truly wants to be of God will abandon all the wrong things of the world. What comes from the world is of the world, but what comes from heaven is from God, dear children. You were created for heaven and not for the world. You will find happiness and peace only by being united with God. I tell you that true happiness you will receive from my Son only in the next world. Strive for paradise. I love you and want to help you. Do not be disobedient, otherwise I will stop giving you messages. Do you really want this? Do you wish to remain deaf to my appeals? Come back, come back to God as soon as possible, all men of the earth, for behold, the foundations of the earth are about to be shaken as never before since the creation of the world. Pray, be converted, and God will have mercy on you and on all mankind. I bless you all: in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen!
I was very touched in this message by what Our Lady said to us: "...Do not be disobedient, otherwise I will stop giving you messages. If we are obedient and not disobedient. I understood through this message how horrible and displeasing disobedience is to God. Let us free ourselves from this sin so that we can merit God's blessing and mercy in our lives.