Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber in Rodengo Saiano, BS, Italy

Peace be with you!
Dear children, I am the Queen of the Rosary and of Peace. I come from heaven to beseech you: return to God. God is waiting for you. Pray the rosary as a family. How many times I have asked you this in my apparitions around the world, but you still do not listen to me, so I ask you again: pray, pray, pray.
Do not let the graces of heaven pass you by. God is being so patient and so generous with you. He loves you very much. *Love the Lord with your heart. He is the true life. If you want to live, be of God. Only he who loves in this world is a living person. Love, so that you may have the true life, which is God, and so that you may contemplate him forever for eternity one day.
Listen to my calls as a Mother, for they are every sign of God's love and my love as a Mother for you. With a great love I come from heaven to be with you. When I, your Mother, come and find myself among you, the angels and saints in heaven rejoice and God once again looks upon the world with mercy and turns away his divine justice. Do not abuse God's mercy, for it is not to be despised. It is a great blessing for you and your families as for all mankind. I love you and I take your requests to heaven. Return to your homes with God's blessing and peace. I bless you all: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!
(*) The greater the degree of love the more intimately is the soul possessed by God. In authentic union, God is united to the essence of the soul. God's substance is nothing other than his own being, himself. He is person, his being is personal being; on the other hand, the soul's inmost being is the heart and strength of its personal life and also the proper place of encounter with other personal lives. Person-to-person contacts only take place in the intimate, and it is through one of these contacts that one person announces his presence to the other. It is in the illuminations about the divine secrets that God's secret intimate is opened. When, through the communication of grace, the soul perceives the entrance of the divine being, as an elevation of its own being, then its entry into the divine being is realized. God is love. To be possessed by God, when the spirit has prepared, is to be inflamed in love.