Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber in Vigolo, BG, Italy

This night Jesus appeared accompanied by Our Lady and St. Joseph. Jesus gave me the following message:
My peace be with you!
My beloved young people, I am here before you because I love you. I am here to fill you with my love. I am here to ask you for a place in your hearts. I am here to heal you and give you what you need most at this moment: peace in your hearts. Young beloveds, be the ones who hear my words and put them into practice. This is the time to go to those who have lost their way. Young people, help your brothers. Give your hands to those who are falling and help them get up. Be young people of prayer, of faith, of holy life and so the world will see my light shining in you.
I have sent you my Mother and St. Joseph to be your protectors and those who will help you to do my will. Pray. Consecrate yourselves to their Most Holy Hearts and you will reach my Heart. These groups I wish to see in every part of the world. I want them close to me in this world so that one day they can be forever by my side in heaven. Pray to belong to me completely. Ask forgiveness for your sins to merit my grace and remain faithful in my ways so that one day you may merit eternal life. I bless you all: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!
Jesus this night also said to me:
The traitorous kiss of Judas wounded my face of pain and my Heart, but when I see you listening to the calls of my Mother, living them and putting them into practice they give me the consolation and the reparation due. Love, love and repair, for in this way my mercy will envelop you.
Suddenly I saw the following vision: Our Lord with his face all wounded, bruised and bloody. Our Lady approached her suffering Divine Son and with her hand touched his face saying:
My Beloved Son, forgive the sins that humanity offends you. Have mercy on the whole world and on all the young people who are here. Help them to be strong, to overcome temptations and sins. Don't punish humanity and the young people yet. Have mercy. Give them some time yet. They will change and be converted.
The Virgin approached and kissed with great love and respect the outraged face of her Son Jesus, offering her reparation, honoring it as it deserves.
Then I saw another scene: it was St. Joseph with the Child Jesus in his arms. St. Joseph was contemplating the face of Jesus very beautiful and was enraptured by great beauty. Suddenly, by an inner light I understood that it was a vision from the past, when he was still living in this world with Jesus and Our Lady.
In this vision I saw when St. Joseph learned of the future sufferings that our Savior was to endure for the redemption of the world. This was revealed to him by the Lord so that he too, together with Our Lady would offer his reparation to divine justice, interceding and asking for God's mercy for sinners.
Saint Joseph knowing that one day that beautiful face of his Divine Son would be mistreated, slapped and violently wounded offered Jesus his reparation already by kissing it with much love and several times, asking Jesus to forgive humanity and all those who would offend him with their terrible sins. This vision touched me very much. No one will be able to understand the great love that St. Joseph had for Jesus in this world and has now even more in heaven, and no one will be able to understand how great is the love of Jesus and Our Lady for St. Joseph, except to those to whom the Lord and His Mother wish to reveal it.