Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Message from Saint Joseph to Edson Glauber

The peace of Jesus be with you, as well as the peace of the Heart of my Spouse Mary and the peace of my Most Chaste Heart!
My son, today we have come to visit you once again: I, my Son Jesus, and my Spouse Mary Most Holy. We desire from you and your brothers more prayer, faith and dedication for the salvation of souls.
My son, the world is on the edge of the abyss. This abyss is terrible and deep. It is the abyss that leads to hell. Help your brothers to find God's light and grace by speaking of our holy messages. Our messages lead many along the path of holiness that leads to heaven.
Tell your brothers not to fear anything and to devote themselves more and more for the kingdom of God. Do not cling to the world, for nothing of the world will lead to heaven, but only good works of love and all that you have done for God and his kingdom of peace.
My son, tell everyone that God can no longer bear so many sins. I tell them: do penance, penance, penance. Do not be deceived by the lies that are spread in the world against the works of God and against his Church. Stay faithful to the Catholic faith, because this faith and this Church will take you to heaven.
Pray, pray, pray. God asks for the sincere conversion of each person to Him. Whoever does not obey is not with God, but with the devil. The devil will act to destroy the world and the Church. Intercede! What you will soon announce to the world will make many doubt the faith and the Church. Whatever they say and whatever is announced, stay with the Church and be obedient to her.
I love you and bless you: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!
On this night, the Holy Family was all dressed in gold and crowned. Jesus was in the middle, as a grown man, Our Lady on his right, and St. Joseph on his left. All three had in their hands roses of the most varied colors and colors I have never seen on earth. Jesus had the most roses in his hands. He divided these roses and gave them to Our Lady and St. Joseph asking them both to give them to us. I understood that the roses were the graces that Jesus was granting us through the hands of the Virgin and St. Joseph, through their intercession. St. Joseph and Our Lady threw those roses over us, and they were being distributed and transformed into a shower of graces, like little golden stars.
I looked at St. Joseph and congratulated him on the day of his birth saying:
Congratulations St. Joseph, many years of life! - I didn't know what to say to him as congratulations and said what was customary for us to say to each other here on earth. St. Joseph smiled, as if knowing this thought of mine and said to me:
My son, in heaven one lives the deep love and adoration of God. My life has been given to him in a continuous act of love and adoration. Love God and adore him right now on earth, and you will already be experiencing heaven here. Come close to my Heart and you will find the great love of God.
As I said these last words I understood, by an inner light, that whenever we honor St. Joseph we will be receiving in depth the love of God the Father, for it was God the Father who placed him at the side of Jesus so that St. Joseph would love his Divine Son deeply, taking his place, on earth, to help him in everything, protecting him and educating him in his Laws and the precepts of his time.