Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Friday, March 19, 2010
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber

Today is the feast of St. Joseph. A day of grace and blessings for the Church, for families and for the
whole world. Who could imagine how much God would do to save humanity from Satan's darkness? Who could think of the divine providence granting us a great intercessor and protector in heaven? Saint Joseph asks for and obtains everything before the Lord, when he stands before his Divine Throne. He is one of the saints, after the Blessed Virgin, who has free access before the Divine Majesty, begging from the Sacred Heart of Jesus all the graces and blessings for those who resort to his intercession and protection. Today how close St. Joseph makes himself felt to those who love and venerate him worthily. Today before going to sleep he said to me:
Today is a special day for the Church and for the world. Today I supplicate for all mankind the holiest graces. I am continually interceding before the Throne of my Son Jesus for you, for the Church and for the world. I am granting a special blessing and grace for families, particularly for the families of the Amazon, where my Most Chaste Heart has been revealed to the world. *Today is the day I left this world, giving my soul to the Lord. This day is full of the holiest graces, for God has so willed and proclaimed, that through me men may find a sure way to salvation and conversion. I desire to lead all souls to God, and I will do so, if everyone will have recourse to my paternal protection, crying out for the help of my Heart that has loved Jesus so much in this world and loves him forever in heaven. Do not waste the graces of heaven. Do everything possible to earn and receive them. Now, more than ever, the Lord grants sinful humanity another source of grace and salvation: it is my Pure, Holy and Chaste Heart, Heart full of his divine love and peace. Come my children, come receive the graces of heaven. I promise to share them all with you, because I wish to lead you to Jesus. Allow me to bring you to Jesus, and you will never regret it. I love you and bless you: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!
(*) St. Joseph revealed to me that the day he left this world, dying holy in the arms of Jesus and the Virgin Mary was on March 19 and that God desires and proclaims this day as the day the day of the holiest graces. Saint Joseph made me understand that if the Church and the faithful wish to remember the day of his holy death, let it be on March 19 of each year, and the day of his Assumption into heaven, he revealed, as an act of humility, obedience and love towards God, that it be celebrated on the Wednesday after the feast of the Ascension of Jesus. St. Joseph also made me understand that it is Jesus who has given him this honor to celebrate the feast of his Assumption on the Wednesday after the feast of his Ascension into heaven and to reveal it to the Church and the world, because Jesus loves him very much and is very grateful for all that St. Joseph has done for him and for his Mother, Mary Most Holy. In the devotion of the Heart to St. Joseph, it has always been God who first asked and promulgated its full realization. The revelation of his Heart to the world was on the day of the birth of Jesus. The feast of his Heart was requested by Jesus on the feast of his Sacred Heart in the month of June 1997. This devotion was revealed to the people of Amazonas for the first time on a first Friday of the month dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. The first Church in Manaus that welcomed and honored the picture of the Three United Hearts was the Church of the Child Jesus in the Armando Mendes neighborhood. And now Jesus asks for the feast of the Assumption of Saint Joseph on the Wednesday after the feast of his glorious Ascension into heaven. Thus the whole world will glorify God more for the glories that he granted to Saint Joseph and for such an excellent and great Saint who is beside Jesus and the Virgin Mary in the glory of heaven in body and soul.