Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber

Today, I saw Our Lady wearing a dark blue robe and a purple vestment, resembling Our Lady of Sorrows. Our Lady showed me several scenes of the sufferings of her Son Jesus: when he was arrested and slapped in the face, when he was scourged, crowned with thorns; when he carried the cross and was crucified. Our Lady, by showing me these visions, made me understand the current shameful situation that many priests go through, committing terrible impure sins against God, and the gravity of their disobedience to the Pope and the Church. Seeing this vision that Our Lady showed me, I understood that the scandals that bishops and priests are committing and the persecutions and criticisms that the Pope is suffering offend Our Lord greatly, making Him cry. Our Lady with a sad and sorrowful voice said,
My son, pray much for the priests, pray much for them. Priests have fallen so deep and so low, being slaves to the most filthy and rotten sins. How many sins are committed by them that make my Son Jesus bleed and weep in pain. Help your Mother to lead these very precious souls to God. Tell your brothers to pray for the priests as I ask you to do at this moment. Deep prayers and reparations are needed to console the Heart of my Son Jesus, otherwise great suffering is in store for the rebellious and sinful priests who do not repent of their sinful and filthy deeds. The Church will be attacked a lot and many will lose their faith, but nothing compares to the terrible pain and sufferings that disobedient and unfaithful priests must go through. Pray my son, pray very hard that this will not happen. Pray for the Church and for my Pope. My Pope suffers so much. How many sufferings will he have to endure for the salvation of many souls and for the Church. Intercede, You and your brothers, continuously for the Pope and the Church. I bless you all: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!