Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber in Vigolo, BG, Italy

Peace my beloved children, peace!
My children, I love you so much and I have you in my Immaculate Heart. Today I bless you and place you within the Heart of my Son Jesus.
Children, pray, pray, pray. God desires your conversion and desires your return to Him. Change your lives. Now! Come back while He is still calling you to conversion.
It is time for your return to Him. Don't waste time! Remember: time goes by and never comes back. Make every day of your lives the opportune moment for your conversion. I will never leave you alone. I am by your side to help you, to guide you, and to bless you. I desire your happiness, my children, and not your doom. Be obedient children. Jesus has already allowed me to give you great graces and many messages. The moment has come for you to decide for Him by giving your yes truly, with your return to Him.
Pray, pray, pray a lot. Evil can only be overcome with prayer. The devil tries to bring you misfortune and sadness, but I come to bring you my love and God's graces. I am here because I love you very, very, very much. Pray to Saint Joseph. He is here by my side to help you and to protect you too. Surrender to his protection and everything will go as the Lord wishes and has prepared.
Fear nothing! God is the Almighty and He is at your side to protect you from all evils and dangers. Thank you for your presence here tonight. I bless you all: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!
On this night came the Holy Family: Our Lady and St. Joseph, who had the Child Jesus in their arms. They were dressed in gold. Before they left the Virgin said to me,
Do you wish to offer to the Lord a sacrifice for the conversion of all those who are cold toward Him and who do not love Him, as also, for those whose hearts are hardened like stone and are insensitive to the works of heaven?
Yes - I answered.
When we leave you will feel great pain and longing in your heart, to make reparation for those who do not long for God and do not seek him with love and with a sincere heart....
As she said these words the Mother of God said goodbye saying:
See you soon!
When they were returning to heaven I felt a great pain and longing in my heart. I wanted to go with them, but I could not; I wanted to be in their presence always more, but they were there moving away from me. It was a tremendous pain and something my soul suffered terribly to save and convert those souls that were so cold, selfish and insensitive to the Lord. How terrible this suffering is! Woe to those who remain far from God: they will suffer terribly without consolation, worse than the suffering I went through, because they wished to live far from God.