Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Saturday, January 22, 2011
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber

Peace my beloved children, the peace of my Son Jesus to all of you!
I, your Mother, the Queen of the Rosary and of Peace still come from heaven by permission of my Son Jesus. I come to help you. I come to tell you my motherly message, a message of love for all of you.
My children, let your Immaculate Mother help you. Many are losing great graces, because they are disobedient and want to continue to commit sins. No, my children, leave the life of sin to be Jesus'. Leave the world to merit Paradise. I love you, and I worry about your salvation, because it will only come if you convert and return to God.
Pray, pray very much to overcome the devil who wants to take you away from the holy path that leads to God, from the holy path that I indicate to you, showing you other wrong paths and so many false things that lead you to the path to hell. Do not allow yourselves to be deceived by the devil. He is the father of lies and knows very well how to deceive the proud and haughty; this is why I tell you, be simple and humble to overcome him.
Pray with love, pray with your heart. Have the desire to be in God's presence. Ask for this grace from His Divine Heart when you find yourself in prayer. Do not go backwards, committing again the sins of the past, but always go forward following the call of my Son who is the light of your lives.
Peace, peace, peace! Pray for peace. Pray for Amazonas. Great suffering will come and many houses will be destroyed by the strong winds and strong storms. Convert yourselves! I bless you all: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!
Our Lady once again came from heaven to bring us her call of love and prayer. Upon seeing her my heart exulted with joy and was filled with peace, even when she, very sad, said the last part of the message that spoke of the great sufferings that will come to Amazonas. Our Lady always speaks to us about some event, suffering or the secrets, she never speaks to make us afraid, but she speaks to us as a Mother concerned about the happiness of her children, she always speaks to us with a sad face and with the hope that we will change the course of our lives so that all this can be removed and avoided. Everything depends on us! Let us listen to Our Lady and everything will go well and we will follow the right path that leads us to the Heart of Jesus