Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber

Peace be with you!
My children, I invite you to prayer. The world is sick and many of my children are far from God and are following the road that leads them to the fires of hell. In many places in the world Holy Church is attacked and discredited by many of my children. Pray, pray, pray to destroy the evil that wants to spread in the world more and more in a horrible and intense way.
God invites you to conversion. I have come to the Amazon to call you to a holier life. God calls you to spread His peace and His love to your brothers. Great calamities are coming my children. Intercede! The earth will begin to give its signs and will be shaken strongly in many places. Brazil will not be spared because it is being disobedient to God. If Brazil does not return to God divine justice will descend strongly from heaven, blood will be spilled and many will be my children who will suffer and cry.
Help your heavenly Mother by praying her rosary every day for the conversion of sinners and for the conversion of unbelievers, for they do not know what will come from heaven if they do not convert. I love you and I do not want your sufferings, but the happiness of each one of you.
O my children, do not waste time! Come back, come back, come back to God while he is still giving you a time for conversion. Pray, pray, pray! I bless you all: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!
Our Lady showed me again many people walking along a road with blindfolds on their eyes. These people were walking blindfolded along this horrible road that led them to a great crater filled with fire: it was hell! In this huge crater all kinds of souls were falling: cardinals, bishops, priests, religious and many faithful. Many were going to hell because they are not obedient to God and His Holy Church. Our Lady asked us to pray the rosary prayer: this prayer saves many souls and
repairs a multitude of sins, leading sinners who repent to the Heart of Jesus. Let us pray our rosary every day to help Our Lady save so many souls for God.