Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Saturday, July 30, 2011
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Maria do Carmo

Maria do Carmo, tell... that Catholic marriage only ends when the husband or wife, one of the two, dies.
If the separation happens before death, or before, the departure to eternal life, these ones who separated will suffer a lot in the other life for the years they lived separated here on earth, because they made a false oath before God, when they got married in the Catholic one. Civil marriage is not valid for God.
Those who have sons and daughters will suffer a lot with them later, for the bad example given, and these children will suffer a lot with the separation of the two: from their father and mother.
Do everything to save your marriage. Amen! Amen! Amen!
When Our Lady said that civil marriage is not valid for God, she meant for those, who think that they only need this and nothing else, without caring to receive the sacrament of marriage in the Church, before a priest. Many people nowadays get married only in the civil caste and not in the Church. These people are living in sin and are offending God. Others seek the annulment of their marriage and even lie to get it, not being sincere before God and the Church, hiding the true reality because their marriage has been destroyed. These people, if they do not repent and do not leave their life of sin, will not go to heaven. And the children of these people who have separated will suffer greatly because of the bad example set and the sins of their parents unfaithful to God and marriage, because for them it is a terrible trauma. The parents may not see the gravity of their sins now, but when it appears later on, in the time allowed by God, they will see what they have done to their own children, thinking only of themselves to satisfy their own passions and wills.