Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil


Sunday, April 22, 2012

Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber


Peace my beloved children!

I, your Heavenly Mother, love you and place you within my Immaculate Heart.

My children, the world is in need of many prayers and is far from God. I have come to your city to invite you to conversion and peace. May the parents love their children and pray with them. May the children be obedient and respect their parents in order to receive God's blessing and grace through them. Be united, I tell you once again.

My children, listen to what I tell you. I tell you these words with my Heart full of love for you, because I desire your happiness. Don't you want to be one day beside God and his Immaculate Mother in heaven?

Fight for heaven. Fight to achieve eternal salvation. Don't be deceived by the world. Open your hearts now so that you can receive the graces that God is giving you in these days with my Mother's presence among you.

Thank you, my beloved children, for your presence. Come always to pray in greater numbers and God will grant you graces that you will glorify him until the end of your lives, because the Lord is rich in mercy and generous in granting you the blessings of heaven.

Thank you for everything. Return to your homes with God's peace. I bless you all: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!

Today, Our Lady came once again from heaven. During the apparition the Blessed Mother showed me certain events taking place in the world very soon. Brazil is saddening the Heart of God and if Brazilians do not pray and do not change their lives they will have to bear a heavy cross. Even so, Our Lady never tires of calling us to the Lord. She gathers us, revives us, carries out her plans for conversion and salvation by touching many hearts, inviting her children to live a holier life.

The Blessed Mother was happy to see the young people present at her apparition. She does not tire of us. She wishes to welcome us into her Immaculate Heart that beats with love for us and wishes to protect us from the current evils of this world. Satan tries to create confusion and tries to destroy souls with many sins, but Our Lady's love shines brighter than Satan's darkness and one request before the Throne of her Son Jesus is worth more than a thousand years of hard work of the power of all hell in wanting to lose souls with so many evils. This is why Satan cannot stand the apparitions of the Virgin in the world. She fights with great love and snatches countless souls from the clutches of the devil.


