Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber in Comune di Vigolo, BG, Italy

Peace my beloved children!
My children, the time of grace comes upon you and your families, but you often despise it because you sin and offend my Son Jesus.
Why have you not yet decided for God and the kingdom of heaven? Why are you not yet united? Why are you often still afraid to speak of my messages to your brothers and sisters, allowing the enemy to prevent you from walking to God?
No my children, don't be like that! Have faith, seek with your hearts the love of God, because God's love can save your families and the world from all evil. Nothing is more powerful than this pure and holy love. Even if all hell would break loose on you with all its might, but if you have God's love in your lives and you love, nothing can harm you or touch you. Believe, my children, believe!
God's love is powerful and destroys the forces of hell. God's love breaks down all barriers and makes you holy people, bearers of divine peace.
Pray, pray, pray, because many of my children hurt the Divine Heart of Jesus because they do not love and do not want to leave the life of sin.
Children, I have told you many times: sin kills. Sin is bringing great chastisements upon the world. Do not let the devil deceive you, my children. Do not be deceived by the enemy who fights against the plans of your heavenly Mother, because he wants to destroy you and take you to the fires of hell.
Fight the devil by praying the rosary, living God's commandments, and living a life united to God. Each sin that men commit brings upon the world a great chastisement: a chastisement that mankind has never experienced and that will be unique. Do not allow me and my Son Jesus to weep for you, because of your rebellion and disobedience. Change your lives, now! God is calling you. Listen to his holy call, and the world will be converted.
I bless you all: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!
Our Lady was with a very sad physiognomy. Her Mother Heart suffers for all those who do not wish to listen and live her calls seriously. Many do not understand the importance of this time of grace and those who could help her by spreading her messages are still silent, out of fear or shame of being ridiculed or persecuted. We must not fear the cross, slander or persecution, but we must have the courage of the saints to proclaim the wonders of God to our brothers and sisters. God will charge us, for all that we have received from his Blessed Mother, with graces and blessings, and, for all that we have failed to do to help our brothers who were in the darkness of sin, because of our cowardice and omission.