Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Monday, June 25, 2012
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber in Ribeirão Pires, SP, Brazil

Today the Blessed Virgin appeared with the Child Jesus in her arms. Beside them were St. Gabriel and St. Michael the Archangel. On this night, the Mother of God gave the following message:
Peace my beloved children!
I, your Heavenly Mother, invite you this night to conversion and peace. Peace, peace, peace! Pray for peace, my children, for peace can transform the world and your families. Be bearers of peace. My Son Jesus is peace. Desire to have my Son in your lives and in your hearts, so that his divine grace may remain in you.
Take the love of my Son and my Mother's love into your hearts.
I stand here before you with Jesus, the One who can give you eternal life and the peace you so desperately need.
Be sons and daughters of God who truly witness to their faith. Love your faith, my children, believe more and more, for my Son wants to make you men and women of great faith.
I bless you all with the blessing of peace and love, and I place your prayers and intentions before the merciful heart of my Son Jesus. I bless you: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!
The Blessed Mother with her heart full of love and with true peace in her arms, blessed the whole world today in a special way. Our Lady motherly looked at the people present in the Church and blessed one by one with the blessing of peace and love.
During the apparition she asked me for one thing in particular that concerns my life. She encouraged me to go forward with confidence and that I should not be afraid of anything. She made a sign of the cross on my forehead and the Child Jesus laid his right hand on me blessing me. From the hand of Jesus came a beautiful light that flooded my whole being. Jesus made me understand that the work of His Blessed Mother is so great and so holy that if people understood it, they would never close their hearts to it and would never exchange it for anything in this world. How many leave the works of God for people, for worldly projects or for coldness of heart. These people will never reach holiness, because they do not seek the will of God, but their own passions and lusts. Our heart must be centered only on the love of God. When our heart becomes attached to something, people or things it cannot belong to God completely. Let us reflect: To love our neighbor yes, but to be overly attached no, because people and things of the world all pass away, but only the love of God does not pass away, for it is an eternal love.