Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Saturday, July 7, 2012
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber

Peace my beloved children!
I invite you to conversion, for I see you still far from my Mother's Heart. Decide for God's holy way, the way of prayer, sacrifice and penance. Open your hearts to God's love.
My children, without love and peace you can never experience conversion in your lives. Ask forgiveness for your sins and start a new life in God.
I have been speaking to you for so many years, but many still do not listen to me, and others have closed their hearts to my voice and my love, because they have been blinded by Satan to commit sins.
Do not give in, my children, fight evil with love, hatred with peace; lack of faith and unbelief with prayer. Pray, pray, to stay on God's holy path all of you who wish to help me.
I have already told you that God wishes to do great things in Amazonas, but many do not believe these words of my Mother.
Do not doubt! Believe, believe, believe, for you will see your brothers converted and you will see the hand of the Lord at work in the lives of those who have faith and who live my messages.
I love you and I still fight for the conversion and salvation of each one of you. I bless you all: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!
The Blessed Virgin ardently desires our conversion. It is as Mother that she speaks this message to us, with her Immaculate Heart full of love. Our Immaculate Mother's love will save us from great catastrophes and dangers, because Our Lady's love is powerful and full of God's grace. When Our Lady loves us her grace descends in our lives, because she wants us all to be God's. How beautiful it is to know that Our Lady watches over us and watches over our steps, in this valley of death. Let us entrust everything to her maternal Heart and she will lead us on safe paths, to the Source of eternal Life which is Jesus.