Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Saturday, July 28, 2012
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber

The Blessed Virgin full of light and the grace of heaven, came accompanied by Saint Raphael,
St. Gabriel and many angels, like children, at the ages of three and ten. She was happy at first, but then her face became sad. Our Holy Mother gave us the following message:
Peace my beloved children!
I come from heaven to tell you to live to conversion by definitely opening your hearts to my Son Jesus.
Children, only by opening your hearts to Jesus can you obtain peace in your lives. Do not live in sin. Do not be disobedient to my motherly voice. I love you, and I tell you to renounce sin, so that you can walk the road that I am showing you.
Sin takes you away from God's grace and brings great calamities upon the world. Do penance, penance, penance, or else a great chastisement will come from heaven and will strike first those who have been disobedient to God and those who have not lived my calls.
Change your lives now, because God wishes to grant you His mercy. Thank you for your presence here, in this place blessed by my presence as Mother. Pray, pray the rosary as a family and God will give you peace. I bless you all: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!
Today the Virgin spoke some things about the secrets. We have to change the course of our lives. Many people are playing with their salvation and are turning away from the love of God and Our Lady, blinded by the devil, because they do not want to abandon the life of sin and wrong things. Pride and haughtiness make many men and women not see that they are erring. In fact, they know they are wrong, but they don't want to admit and accept the truth coming from God, and so the devil takes possession of their hearts even more, making them become persecutors of God's works; but, one thing they forget: Nobody is greater than God. Persecution will always exist: it is inevitable! As also hell exists and is prepared for those who wanted to fight and destroy the works of God and did not repent: it is inevitable too! As well as the punishment which will soon come upon the world: it will come and will first suffer all those who went against the works of God, the disobedient and those who did not want to change their lives: this is not inevitable, it can still be changed, but only if people repent and make reparation for their sins, otherwise it will come and in such a terrible way that people will regret the day they were born for having been so hard, rebellious and hard-hearted. When the punishment comes upon the world then yes, it will be inevitable to prevent it or lessen it, for it will last as long as God thinks mankind has deserved, through the fault of their own crimes.