Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Saturday, October 27, 2012
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber

The Blessed Virgin came accompanied by St. Joseph with the Child Jesus. St. Joseph talked with me about personal and private things and the Blessed Mother was the one who communicated the message to be transmitted to the world:
Peace my beloved children, peace!
With my Immaculate Heart full of God's love I come from heaven to bless your families so much in need of divine grace.
My children whom I love so much: convert. Make every day of your lives the opportune means to convert and change your lives.
Don't shrink from God's call. God is calling you to Him. This is no longer the time to look back at what you left behind to follow my Son Jesus, but this is the time for you to listen to the voice of my Divine Son calling you to the path of conversion that leads to heaven, to the kingdom of God.
Pray many rosaries for the world and for peace. I am still driving away with my Mother's intercession the great calamities that wish to befall the world. I am here to help you to be of God. Honor the Heart of my most Chaste Spouse Joseph. God sent St. Joseph to the world, in these last times, to be the help and protection of all those who wish to do His most holy will.
Those who are faithful and devout to him will never be disappointed and forsaken, because Saint Joseph will obtain with his intercession, before the Throne of God, great graces for the world.
I bless each one of you with a special blessing, as well as your families. I bless those of you who are here for the first time. I bless my little religious children, present at my apparition, as well as all my children from all over the world. I welcome them into my Heart and bless them: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!