Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Sunday, November 25, 2012
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber

Peace my beloved children!
Today I come from heaven to tell you: fear nothing! Your Heavenly Mother is here to lead you to the Heart of Jesus, the source of love and peace.
Be of God and you will never suffer. Take up my calls with love, for great graces will be granted by God to those who really live and put into practice every teaching that his Immaculate Mother has communicated to you.
Children, do not be afraid of the future and of tomorrow: Everything belongs to God! Live the present moment, united to him, and you will fear nothing, for it is he who gives you strength and victory against every evil, and it is he who protects you with the power of his arm.
Who can stand against the Lord? Who can stand against his immense love and power? Fight, fight to reach the kingdom of heaven, for it is closer to you in these times than ever before in the history of mankind. Thank you for your presence here tonight. Return to your homes with God's peace. I bless you all: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!
Today the Virgin was very beautiful: she wore a very long white veil and had a white robe. She held in her hands a globe, which represented the world. Our Lady was looking at us motherly, with her gaze full of love and mercy. Suddenly, two scenes began to appear to the right and left of the Virgin. On the right side, heaven appeared and on the left side hell. From the globe that Our Lady was holding, several lights began to come out, in the shape of people going in these two directions. The lights represented the people who were dying at that moment: Many were going to hell, but while Our Lady was present among us, through her apparitions, this scene changed and people started going towards heaven. I understood that during the apparitions that Our Lady makes in various parts of the world, a great power of intercession occurs in the world and many people who would be practically condemned to the fires of hell, before dying, they sincerely repent and ask forgiveness for their sins, receiving the sacraments in a holy manner. Others, who were spiritually dead, with their feet practically at the gates of hell, receive the grace of conversion and the great miracle of God of regaining health and life, to spread to others the eternal truths of heaven, converting them to God, through their words and testimony.
When the Virgin spoke that the kingdom of heaven is closer to us than ever before in human history, I understood that she was referring to her apparitions, which are taking place every day, in many places around the world. The presence of the Virgin is a great grace of mercy and blessing for the world. When Our Lady comes to the world to speak her appeals to her children it is the moment of grace acting in the lives of all her children, a moment of grace that converts, heals and saves many hearts, because God, through his Immaculate Mother, begins to transform the hearts and lives of many people.