Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Wednesday, May 15, 2013
Message from Our Lord to Edson Glauber in Mozzo, Italy

Today Our Lord appeared, accompanied by Our Lady and St. Joseph. The one who transmitted the message was Jesus.
My peace be with you!
Once again I speak to you, because my love is eternal and my mercy is without end. I wish to bless you and relieve you in your sufferings.
I am here with my Immaculate Mother and with my Virgin Father Joseph to bestow upon you the blessings of heaven.
Pray and believe. You have not yet learned to give everything to me with confidence, because you do not yet truly trust, because of the things of the world that suffocate you and make you distracted when you pray and when you approach me. Have faith! Faith is often lacking. You easily get carried away by the rumblings of the world when you are not constant in prayer.
Pray for the families. Many families are sick because they do not ask my Blessed Mother Mary and my Father Joseph for help. Whoever trusts in their Most Holy Hearts and loves them will obtain everything from my Heart, because they will always intercede before me for those who have recourse to their intercession.
Jesus, many people want to ask directly from the Lord for graces for themselves and their families? They think they don't need intercessors. What do you say to them?
Everyone should be humble before my Mother and St. Joseph, if they wish to receive the graces of my merciful Heart, so I wish, so I will make them better known and loved and grant the world peace.
Whoever is not humble will never understand the wonders of God, and will never be united to me perfectly. Pray, pray very much to learn to be obedient and humble before me and my holy will.
I bless you and grant you peace. Take my love to your brothers and sisters and intercede for the Church and the world.
Italy! Italy! Be faithful, otherwise you will weep much for your disobedience. Italy, be grateful for the gifts and graces that I have given you, because you could be left with nothing for not being faithful and for not knowing how to please my Divine Heart as it deserves. Do not wound me with your ingratitude, but learn to offer me the perfume of your prayers and sacrifices to appease my justice that weighs on you. Change the course of your steps and come back!
I bless you: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!
Our Lady also told me in this apparition:
Times are difficult for the Church and the world, but God always comes to the aid of all His children, for His divine grace and help will never fail. This is the time that two Popes are close to each other and help each other: one in silence, in prayer, in adoration, offering his sufferings for the other who must guide, speak, act and witness the teachings of my Son Jesus to all. Two lives, two flames burning for the good of the Church and the world. My son Benedict XVI gives them the example of knowing how to renounce, to sacrifice and to pray for the good of the Church and the current Pope, something that many do not do.
These two witnesses are the two olive trees and the two lampstands that stand before the Lord of the earth.( Rev 11:4)