Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Saturday, May 18, 2013
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber in Le Thor, Cavaillon, France

Church of Our Lady of the Lake
Peace my beloved children!
My children, I your Mother love you and I come from heaven to ask you to pray for peace. If you wish to make the Heart of my Son Jesus happy and my Maternal Heart happy pray the rosary as a family every day and be more united.
Families that are not united and do not witness God's presence, peace and love will never stand, because the devil has these families in his clutches to destroy them.
Drive Satan out of your families, away from you, by being obedient to God: by living his holy words and obeying his commandments.
Fathers and mothers, be a light to your children. Take care of your families by asking God's blessing and protection for your homes every day, through prayer. I bless in a special way the priests that are present and my consecrated children.
Pray a lot, worship my Son Jesus, so that the Holy Spirit may come powerfully upon the world.
Here, in this place, God will accomplish great wonders. Today, my Son Jesus is allowing me to grant you special graces, through my maternal presence. He wishes to make this holy place a new source of graces and blessings for France. Those who come to pray in this Church with faith and love, repentant of their sins, will never return to their homes the same, for God will heal and convert many hearts with his most holy presence in the Sacrament of the Eucharist.
Thank God, pray, and his miracles will be worked in your lives and in your families, so that you may witness his great love to your brothers and sisters for the salvation of many.
I bless you: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!
Our Lady, before leaving, also said:
Return to your homes with the peace of God and bring your brothers my kiss of love, just as I give it to you at this moment.