Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Monday, May 27, 2013
Message from Our Lord to Edson Glauber in Kurescek, Slovenia

Today Our Lord and Our Lady appeared. The two were dressed in white and it was Jesus who gave me the message on this day:
My peace be with you!
I am Peace. I am Love. Come to my Heart and you will drink from the spring of living water. Open your hearts. Believe more and more, for he who has faith and believes is he who will stand and be prepared to belong one day to the glory of my kingdom.
Ask, ask the faith that removes mountains. Do not doubt! Many need faith, but do not ask for it constantly in their prayers. So many doubts and lack of faith today. I sent my Blessed Mother to you in many parts of the world and I send her to you today, but many remain indifferent and cold before her messages and before her immaculate and maternal love.
How many messages my Mother, at my command, has already communicated to you, but how many are those who live and meditate them today? Learn from my Mother to meditate in the silence of your hearts all that I am accomplishing, in these last times, with so many apparitions.
The Holy Spirit is blowing where He wants and is teaching you all that I have spoken to you in the Gospel. Live and meditate on my Holy Words, and your country will receive my mercy in depth.
Here is a holy place, a source of grace for your families. Whoever comes to this blessed place with a humble heart will not return home empty-handed. I tell you again: have faith, believe, and miracles will happen in your lives. I bless you all: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!
Our Lord asks us for faith. If we do not open our hearts and understand this time of grace with the eyes of faith, we will not be able to stand for long on our path of conversion. Faith is essential on our spiritual path. We cannot prevent the action of the Holy Spirit. It is God who prepares the path that we must travel in this world. The Lord expects from us only our willingness, our yes, our obedience and humility, before his divine designs, just as the Blessed Virgin and Saint Joseph were obedient to the divine orders. Jesus asks us to meditate his Holy Words, so that they remain in our hearts producing the fruits of grace of the Holy Spirit. Many think that it is enough to say their prayers and go to Mass to fulfill their Christian duties, but this is only the beginning of the journey with God so that we can then witness his love and presence to our brothers and sisters. Jesus prayed and went to the Synagogue, he meditated on the Words contained in the Scriptures, but then he went out to meet those most in need of light and peace, he took the Word of God, announcing the divine truth with courage and without fear for the good of many who welcomed his teachings. The Catholic Christian must also be like Jesus, imitating him and following in his footsteps. If we do not do this, who will if God counts on us? Let us help, therefore, and God's grace will not be lacking, but will always be guiding us and illuminating our steps along the paths of peace.