Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Wednesday, June 19, 2013
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber in Grosuplje, Slovenia

Today St. Joseph came with the Child Jesus in his arms. Around him were twelve Angels dressed in white, who harmoniously formed a circle, like an Angelic crown. St. Joseph transmitted the following message:
The peace of my Son Jesus to all of you!
St. Joseph, at the command of the Child Jesus, was approaching the front of the altar of the Church. The Child Jesus, just as he asked me in the Church of Our Lady Help of Christians, asked me to kiss the floor of the Church in front of the altar three times. He asked me to make with my tongue a huge cross as reparation for the sins of the world. Immediately after this, Saint Joseph touched the floor of the Church with his feet and as he did so he became more radiant by that divine light that enveloped him coming from the Child Jesus. Raising his right hand as a sign of protection and blessing he said:
I am the Protector of the Holy Church and the Protector of your families!....
As he said these words I felt in my heart that he was speaking to the whole Church and the world, particularly to the Pope.
My Divine Son sends me from heaven to grant you his love and peace. Today he makes me better known and loved throughout the Church and the whole world, because he asks everyone to call upon me and beg for my intercession.
Fear not, holy people of the Lord... Behold, the divine mercy has prepared new times for his Church and for the world, for those who truly honor his Holy Name and who obey his Holy Laws.
Today I bless the Holy Father in a special way and I tell him to make haste, to show the Church and the world the love of my Most Chaste Heart, for God has made my Heart a new source of grace for sinful humanity, so wounded and downcast by the consequences of its crimes and its disobedience to God.
Jesus asks the priests for more love for my Heart and thus they will be his faithful ministers who will know how to defend and live the eternal truths.
Today I tell you that I protect you, holy people of God; I defend the Holy Church and I will pray much for her before the Lord of Heaven and Earth, so that she may be strong in the trials and dangers that threaten her, so that she may shine strongly, destroying the darkness that surrounds her to the humiliation of Satan and his enemies, in these times of great spiritual battle.
Be faithful to God. Be true witnesses of my Son Jesus Christ. Be those who live and put into practice the teachings of Jesus and the Church. God no longer wants impure sins, but wants lives sanctified in His love, who know how to offer themselves day and night for the salvation of the world. Have in your hearts these words of mine, have in your lives the teachings that God has communicated to you, for many years, through the apparitions of my Immaculate Spouse, in many places in the world.
It is time for your return to God and for your true and faithful yes to him. Not a fearful yes, but a strong and courageous yes, because God is with you. I bless you all: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!
I prayed some prayers and I felt in my heart that St. Joseph was asking me this, for all the sick and spiritually wounded families, who do not live in the grace of God. He said again:
Pray, pray as a true family of God and the King of Heaven will one day grant the crown of glory to those who live and believe his words and his promises, because God is always faithful, even when you do not live and are not faithful to what he asks of you. Change, change your lives. God calls you to conversion. It is time to repent and leave your nets to follow the Savior when his voice resounds in your hearts and calls you to him. I love you and bless you!