Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil


Thursday, July 18, 2013

Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber in Vigolo, BG, Italy


Peace my beloved children!

Children whom I love so much, here is your Heavenly Mother, the Servant of the Lord who comes to teach you also to be faithful and obedient servants who await with faith the coming of the Lord.

Each day of your lives is a preparation for the kingdom of heaven. Welcome God's love into your lives and they will shine in glory and holiness.

God's love is powerful and holy. Desire to have this love always within your hearts and they will be ignited and filled with such holy graces.

I thank you for your presence here tonight and tell you that I welcome your families into my maternal Heart.

My children, I still ask you for much prayer and much conversion. The road is long for many, but for some of you who are here, it is already short, because there is little left. You must be prepared every day so that, when your time comes, you can meet the merciful face of my Son Jesus and the welcoming and maternal Heart of his Heavenly Mother. Take my messages into your hearts and lives, and many things will change.

Pray my dear young people, pray to be always strong on the path of holiness and prayer that God asks of you. The struggle is big and difficult, but with prayer and faith you will overcome every battle and obstacle. Always live in the grace of God and far from sin.

Children, even if the world wants to show you that God doesn't exist and that evil is victorious, don't believe it and don't let yourself be discouraged: God exists and he is your Father who loves you so much and he wants to save you from all darkness and sin.

Don't be discouraged and don't lose faith.... Don't despair about what will come later: I will be at your side to help you, to bless you, and to console you.

Soon, you will understand these words of mine.

Pray, pray very much, and God's grace will always be upon you. Return to your homes with God's peace and heaven's protection for you and your families. Your Heavenly Mother loves you so much and blesses you: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!


