Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Sunday, April 27, 2014
Message from Our Lord to Edson Glauber

My peace be with you!
Come, come close to my Sacred Heart. Don't you want to belong to the Kingdom of Heaven? Do you not wish to have my peace that can comfort your afflicted and weary souls? Why are you still rebellious and hardhearted? Why don't you pray as I have asked you, through my Blessed Mother?
I desire everyone's salvation, that is why I call everyone to conversion! Do not be incredulous. Unbelief makes you walk away from my merciful Heart. Do not wish to live for the world, but live for the kingdom of heaven, because heaven is the place I have prepared for you, at my side.
The world is suffocating your souls and destroying in you all that is good, making you deserve sorrows, pains, and afflictions, because of your sins. Don't be fooled: Satan is cunning and shrewd, he knows how to deceive you. Pray to the Holy Spirit so that you will always know how to distinguish good from evil, truth from lies.
Hardened and closed hearts cannot deserve my graces and blessings. You still don't trust and believe as you should. Free yourselves from sin, so that your faith can be purified and transformed by my light.
Many years have passed since I and my Blessed Mother manifested here in the Amazon. Many messages have been given to you, for the good and sanctification of your souls. Listen to my voice that calls you to conversion. Do not harden or close your hearts to my voice.
Come back now, before the world passes through the great trials. Amazons... Repent!... Much will be demanded of you Amazons, for the graces that I have granted you, through Itapiranga.
Brazil, Brazil, the cross will be great for many, because they only wanted to sin; they did not want to do anything for the glory of my kingdom. They have remained deaf and indifferent to my voice. Those in power will fall! Those who do nothing for the kingdom of heaven will be brought down by sorrows and tears. Those who have shed innocent blood, if they do not repent, through pain and blood they shall pass away.
I said to them: You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength.... But many do not love Me, and despise My divine love... And they kill, steal, persecute, slander, mock, scorn, threaten and abuse the weak, the simple, all those whom they should love, welcome and serve. My holy eyes see everything and I listen, night and day, to the clamor of my people.
... Woe to those who think they are powerful... Woe to the selfish rich and to those who want to enrich themselves at the expense of their neighbor... The fire of hell is prepared for them, if they do not amend and do not do penance. The smoke of Satan has entered the interior of the Church and into many families. Many hearts are rotten with the poison of Satan and many consecrated people are leaving the service of my House to follow the voice of the world and the seductions of the devil. Intercede for the sanctification of the Church. Intercede for the priests. You cannot imagine how precious priests are. Do not touch my consecrated ones. Do not destroy my anointed ones! For My holy hand is stretched out over them, and My strong arm surrounds them. Whoever destroys them will be struck down by Me. Whoever causes them to abandon my service will be forsaken by me, and I will not hear the cry of their supplications in time of trouble. Whoever stands up against them is going against the Almighty, the One who created them and who with one breath can strike them down and make them dust. Change the course of your lives! ...Be aware that you were created to love and to live in love. I am Love, and this divine love of mine is for all of you. Let your hearts open so that I can fill them with my love. Sin no more.... Ask forgiveness for your sins. Make reparation so that my justice may be appeased, and my mercy may be extended to all those who are spiritually blind and rebellious.
Offer to the Father the just reparation, for the merits of my passion, death and resurrection, and thus many souls will be led to God's holy path. Every prayer, sacrifice and penance done with love and in a spirit of reparation attracts the Father's complacency from heaven, as well as his love and forgiveness.
Humanity is sinking in the mire of sin, but you can raise it up again with your offering and dedication, interceding for it more and more.
Fight for the salvation of souls. Unite with my Blessed Mother and with St. Joseph, so that your prayers and offering have value before me. They are your intercessors before my Divine Throne, and I have sent them to the Amazon to help them become mine. You cannot imagine how much my Blessed Mother and Father Joseph intercede and ask for the conversion and salvation of your families. Love them and be grateful to them, honoring them as I wish.
Time is passing, the days are getting shorter and the months are passing quickly. Everything is being consummated. The prophecies are coming true and soon all will be revealed and fulfilled. In this place, I leave my blessing and protection to those who have taken my calls seriously, those who have lived and live as my Blessed Mother has taught them, those who have never doubted and who will remain faithful until the end. Never doubt, but believe! Faith is what will always give you the strength to continue on your way, and what will make you remain always on your feet. The Holy Spirit acts in this place intensely, giving you all the necessary grace of constancy and perseverance. When the world mourns and cries to see the stone turn red and fall to the ground, then many will want to reach this red stone, where my Blessed Mother manifested herself, because the hour of sorrows has come!
The streets of Brazil will be filled with blood and weeping; screams and lamentations will be heard. The wild animals will not be as dangerous as those whose hearts will be filled with blood and hatred, because many will live and run to the middle of the forests, to escape the sudden threat and death. You will suffer because you did not listen to Me, because if you listened to Me, you would not suffer.
Enough sins.... Enough impurities and endless infidelities... Enough adulteries and abortions!
Reparation, reparation, reparation! Repent of your sins and change your lives! This is my message today. This is my request to every heart, to every family, to every priest!
I thank you for the presence of each one, who has come to truly honor our three Sacred Hearts and I grant you many graces, graces that will help you to remain on my holy path. Courage, trust, faith and humility, in this way you will be able to walk and persevere in the face of trials. Whoever trusts and loves obtains everything from my Heart; whoever lives and promotes justice will always have my peace and it will reign in his home. Whoever speaks the truth will always worship God, for I am the Eternal Truth, and these are the true worshipers that the Father seeks and loves. Take away the lies from your hearts, take away the falsehoods, for nothing stays hidden for long. Love, love, love to merit the kingdom of heaven, but above all spread love, and you will always be united to my Heart. If you want peace, be the first to promote it; if you want the blessings of heaven, be the first to welcome everyone with love and mercy. The Holy Spirit does not dwell in the perverse heart, full of sin, but in the one who loves my word and puts it into practice. This is the hour of change in your attitudes, the hour that I am passing by and calling you to follow me. Come! Leave everything and follow me. There is much work to be done, there are many wounded hearts that need healing; there are many afflicted souls that need comfort and peace. Act and be a light to your brothers and you will make my Sacred Heart glad. To all I impart my blessing and my light: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!