Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Friday, January 23, 2015
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber

Peace my beloved children, peace!
My children, I am here, your Immaculate Mother, beside you with my Heart full of love.
The flame of love that blazes my Heart desires to illuminate you, warm you and fill you with love for God. Pray, pray more and more, because prayer opens your hearts to God. It expands their hearts and fills them with the holiest graces.
Pray for your families, that they may be faithful to God until the end, whatever the cost. Do not stray from the path of God and of truth, but persevere.
God sends me into the world to help you, but so many of my children have their hearts closed to my love and do not wish to convert. Help your heavenly Mother to convert these ungrateful, hard-hearted children of mine.
Offer yourselves more and more as a love offering to the Father, for the conversion and salvation of your brothers. If you sacrifice yourselves, if you offer yourselves with love to God for them, many will be freed from the darkness that blinds them and will return to the Heart of God.
Fight, my children, fight for the salvation of souls. God is asking from you more commitment and dedication to save souls for the kingdom of heaven.
For one sinner, God does many things to save him. What about you? What are you doing for the salvation of your brothers and sisters who are practically lost, without faith and without hope? Do not be lazy or hard-hearted, you to whom I have given so much of my grace, but strive more and more to be good, to be children of prayer who know how to intercede for the salvation of the world.
I bless all the spouses, as well as their families, so that they may be an example of prayer and holiness within their homes. Return to your homes with God's peace. I bless you all: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!