Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Friday, November 20, 2015
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber in Moncalieri, TO, Italy

Today Jesus came with Our Lady. They were wearing robes of white color. They were accompanied by Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque, Saint Joan of Arc, Saint Catherine of Siena and Saint Francis of Assisi. During the apparition Our Lady together with the saints prayed before Jesus for us and for the world, so that he would grant us his forgiveness, peace and love. The presence of the saints made me understand that Saint Margaret and Saint Joan prayed for France, and Saint Catherine and Saint Francis prayed for Italy. Jesus gave me the following message:
My peace be with you all!
My little ones, here is my Sacred Heart that loves men so much, but is not loved.
I am the King of heaven and earth and I come with my Most Holy Mother, the Queen of Queens to beg a little of your love.
Do not harden your hearts by sinning. Sin cannot give you true happiness, but eternal death.
Do not desire sin, for sin leads you to perdition. Long for My love: the love that saves and sets you free. How many have their souls ruined, because they are disobedient.
I ask them to obey what my Mother has come to communicate to them. She comes to tell you my call of love to all of you.
I have called you to my Heart many years ago, but you have not yet taken refuge in it, because you easily forget what I tell you.
Renounce the world and sin, and then your hearts will be open to receive my graces, my peace, and my love.
The world, which does not want to surrender to my love, will soon be purified by its rebellion and disobedience.
I am merciful, but I am also just, and my love, for the good of their souls, also knows how to correct them, so that they will not be lost forever.
Pray, pray the rosary to my Most Holy Mother and she, together with Saint Joseph, will obtain from my Divine Heart peace and life for your souls.
Return to your homes with my blessing: in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen!