Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Saturday, March 5, 2016
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber

Peace my beloved children, peace!
My children, I your Mother come from heaven because my Heart is full of love for the salvation of each of you.
My children, God has prepared a place for you in the glory of his kingdom. This place is one of endless happiness that will last forever and is reserved for those who persevere to the end. Do not turn away from the Lord when trials come upon you. Have faith. God does not forsake you. He desires the salvation of your souls and wants to see you one day, beside Him, in heaven. Difficult days are coming for Brazil and for the whole world. On a peaceful day, when many will be celebrating the pains and passion of my Son, great pains and sufferings will come upon the Church unexpectedly, and my children, many of them, will fall to the ground lifeless.
Pray my children, pray to stop the evils and sufferings that the devil wants to bring to those who do not live united to God. He wants the destruction of the Church and the destruction of their souls. Fight against every evil by praying the Rosary and feeding yourselves with faith and love on the Eucharist...
When Our Lady said these last words she showed me pain, making me understand, by an inner light, that days will come when many will seek the Eucharist, will desire to receive the Body and Blood of Jesus, but will not be able to.
I stand beside you to bless you and to give you some of my strength, so that you will bear with faith and with courage the difficult days to come.
Amazon will tremble mightily and many will weep. Stop sinning. Be obedient to the calls that your Mother came to communicate to you with her Heart in her hands, asking you to take refuge in it, for it is your defense shield against the divine justice that will fall heavily upon the world.
Pray a lot for Holy Church, pray a lot for the conversion of sinners, because if they do not repent, for many it may be too late.
This is my appeal. This is my pain as a Mother. Thank you for being here and for offering your prayers to the Lord for the good of the world and for the salvation of souls.
Return to your homes with God's peace. I bless you all: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!