Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Sunday, March 13, 2016
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber

Peace be with you, my beloved son!
Here is your Immaculate Mother coming from heaven to tell you that the hour has come for the immediate conversion of humanity, which will be shaken by great and painful events.
My maternal Heart is apprehensive and embittered by swords of pain. My children, many of them, take little notice and laugh at my messages, disdaining them and leaving them aside.
What will become of them when the great punishment comes from heaven and befall them? Who will be able to defend them from the divine justice that will strike humanity so hard.
I suffer, because of those who deny the opportunity to convert and change their lives. Many of my children are blind; they have been seduced by Satan and their hearts are seeking and longing only for the lies and pleasures of the world.
How many souls destroyed in sin! How many are walking into the eternal abyss, without a thought for eternity, to repent of their errors.
This is the time that the devil has gotten a lot of room to lead many of my children into error and spiritual death.
Pray, my son, pray and intercede for the good of mankind. The Eternal Father is indignant, because of the continuous offenses committed against His Divine Son: so many sacrileges, profanations and outrages are committed in the world.
Italy and the United States, very soon, will be punished in a way never seen before. A great light, like fire, will be visible in the sky of Italy. The pain and weeping will be great and when this happens only the Rosary and my maternal Heart can be the hope, refuge and protection for many.
Italy will be shaken because men have not known how to respect what is due to God, have not honored his Holy Name, have not obeyed his Holy Laws.
Enormous pain will also quickly reach the United States, causing a certain region to be practically destroyed.
I want to help my children, I want to protect them. Let them take refuge in my Immaculate Heart, let them ask for my maternal help and I will immediately come to help them.
And what to say about the Brazilian people, people who do not pray and who do not respect God's commandments nor the holy days, but who fill stadiums, beach resorts and so many other places only to have fun and offend the Lord.
The days of joy will be exchanged for days of blood, weeping and death. Only those who have welcomed my appeals and prayed as I have asked them to will, by God's command, be preserved in the evil days.
Where there is no respect for God's name and the sacred, blood will come; where God has been banished death will strike; where God is no longer remembered or invoked, sufferings will be terrible.
Pray, pray, pray very much my Brazilian children, for the days are urgent! .... Wake up and come back to the Lord!
This is my plea, my son, this is my message that I am giving you with my Heart full of pain and bitterness, because I have not been listened to, I have not been understood, I have not been loved or invoked as my Son asked of you, and much more, because I have been despised and disrespected by many, who have wounded my Heart terribly, attracting the justice of my Divine Son. Come back, ask the Lord for forgiveness. He will forgive you, if you sincerely repent and change your lives.
I bless you and the whole world: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!