Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Monday, April 24, 2017
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber

My son, times are bad. How many are straying from the path of truth because they are not rooted in faith and prayer.
How many have returned to their wrong attitudes. It is necessary not to lose heart and not to let yourself be discouraged, but to trust without ever doubting God's action. God never abandons them. He is always by their side to bless them.
The world is in great danger of a terrible war. Pray tirelessly for peace. Pray for the hearts that are being dominated by lies and hatred. Those who despise my messages wound my Immaculate Heart terribly. I have come from heaven to help them, but many of my children do not want to abandon their wrong attitudes and fight against God's holy works.
No my children, do not fight against the Lord, but against the power of hell that wants to destroy you and make you suffer. Open your hearts to see the truth and be healed from spiritual blindness.
Sorrowful days will come to the Amazon and to the world, and then many will repent and remember my words and my Mother's messages spoken with so much love and concern.
I speak for the good of you, my children, I speak to you because I want to help you to have the desire to go to heaven, your true home.
Love and forgive. Live and obey the Commandments, put into practice the Holy Words of my Divine Son, so that you will obtain life in abundance, the eternal life promised.
God speaks to you and calls you, through me: so listen to his call by changing your lives.
At the time of pain and suffering many will want to go to Itapiranga. Do not wait for the moment of pain to come to convert and change your life. This is the moment to learn to be good, to be true witnesses of the love and teachings of my Divine Son.
Cold, faithless and lifeless souls do not please my Son, but cause him disgust. Allow me to warm them with the flame of love from my Immaculate Heart so that they may be worthily prepared, being pleasing to his Holy eyes. I love you, my children. I love you and bless you, giving you peace!