Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Wednesday, February 20, 2019
Message from Our Lord to Edson Glauber

Peace to your heart!
My son, write down these words of mine and spread them, as soon as possible, to all your brothers: I am going to purify my Church, making it pass through human justice, because many of my Ministers, acting for reasons and ideas that are merely human than divine, prevent my extraordinary from reaching many souls, destroying everything that could help them, sanctify them and lead them along my holy paths, which would lead them to the glory of my kingdom.
Pray, pray and plead that I may have mercy on these rebellious and ungrateful children of mine, who instead of setting a good example and being a light for the sheep entrusted to them, corrupt all of them with so many errors, wounding my Divine Heart with their doubts, ingratitude and lack of faith. Pray and make amends, because my justice will descend strongly from heaven, like lightning, punishing every rebellious heart, which has let itself be dominated by pride and arrogance, thinking that from its mistakes it would never be punished or corrected. I bless you!